
Peggy Taylor, CFA

Executive Director
Investment Specialist, Growth Equity

  • BA, University of Virginia 
  • 29 Years Investment Experience

Prior to joining the firm in 1994, Ms. Taylor was in the retail industry serving as a manager of sales training and promotional campaigns. At Atlanta Capital, she was a fundamental analyst covering consumer stocks prior to her role as the Investment Specialist for the firm's Growth Equity Team. Ms. Taylor holds a Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the Atlanta Society of Finance and Investment Professionals.

Our team is dedicated to uncovering quality companies that should participate in rising markets and provide downside protection.


Featured Perspectives

Monthly Scorecard

June 30, 2024
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Quality Scorecard

June 30, 2024
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Our growth equity team seeks to invest in companies with demonstrated histories of consistent growth and stability in earnings, and whose equities are selling at attractive valuations.